Must Try Desserts in Shalimar Restaurant

Indian dishes

Though Indian cuisines are known for their spices and lip smacking tastes, the desserts are not far behind.  These desserts can give the best of the European desserts a run for the money.  Indian desserts are made from fresh crème, yogurt, milk, sugar syrup etc.   Hence, this blog will help to get acquainted some scrumptious desserts which you can enjoy at Shalimar Restaurant.

  1. Rash Malai

Cheese balls are dipped in thick milk gravy which is reduced through heat. Added flavor includes almond to bring in a subtle and nutty taste. This Indian dessert can easily compete against the best Ice-creams available. Creaminess and texture of this dessert from Indian dishes in Mooloolaba is unbeatable when to come to bringing in Sweet ending to wholesome Indian dinner.

  • Gulab Jamun

Isn’t the experience of hot fried balls melting in mouth dipped in thick sugary syrup?  Shalimar Indian restaurant brings to you Gulab Jamun, a unique but popular dessert from India. The balls are prepared from Cottage Chess and Milk formed into dumpling by hand. The richness of cheese and milk is experienced at every bite of hot gulab jamun. Gulab Jamun is a fan favorite among any Indians and its delicious taste will sure to win heart of other peoples too.

  • Mango Kulfi

India has a rich history of kulfi, the countries own ice cream substitutes. Kulfi from India comes in many unique flavors like kesar Kulfi, Malai kulfi etc. Indian dishes in Mooloolaba introduced healthy fruit flavor, mango kulfi. Whether it is an after dinner desert or something to fill your mind and heart after eating. Mango kulfi is a must have in the restaurant.

  • Lassi

Finding it roots from Punjab,noting beats a healthy glass of lassi. The juice is creamy, rich and holds therapeutic value which cans easily beat the heat. Lassi helps in digestion and frees the palete from spicy flavour which causes irritation at times. The Shalimar Indian Restaurants serve various flavoured lassi but nothing leads the pack like Mango Lassi.